Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Welcome! I am a twenty-two year old law student, who loves to discuss and write about movies! The reason this is here is twofold. First, to serve as an outlet for me to discuss movies in the nerdy way that I normally love to do, and second, to give (hopefully) valuable insight on movies from a FAN's perspective, rather than a pretentious critic.

A problem I have found with film criticism today is that there is way too much focus on the "craft" of film, rather than it's entertainment. I believe that entertainment is the absolute core of what a movie is supposed to bring. A movie's "importance" or "technical brilliance" are better served to be discussed in a film class, rather than a movie review. Most people want to know one simple thing when going to a movie: "Is this going to waste my time?" Hopefully I can give some insight into this.

My vision for this site is to give candid and honest perspective on a film's quality and fun. I want to be able to recommend movies to others in a way that actually appeals to normal people. A huge problem that has plagued the Oscars is that real people don't go see the movies that are nominated. Notice that within the past few years the Academy has expanded the nomination of Best Picture to ten films, and has included fan favorites such as The Blind Side and Toy Story 3. While I do appreciate artfully made films, I also appreciate the fact that it first has to serve some entertainment value. Just because a movie is goofy (Wayne's World, Nacho Libre, to name a few of my favorites), does not make it any less great. Meanwhile, just because a movie is critically lauded for its polish and technique (There Will Be Blood, to give an example) does not make up for the fact that it is painfully boring. While there is a certain sect who do appreciate these characteristics, it is my belief that 95% of us don't. We want to go to the movie theater or pop in a DVD (or Blu ray for the snobs like myself) to escape from reality a little bit, and have some fun. Do I care that the prisoner transport scene of The Dark Knight is absolutely riddled with holes of logic and plausibility? Absolutely not, as it is an incredibly entertaining action sequence. Suspense of disbelief (to an extent) is at the heart of enjoying a movie.

Hopefully after reading some insight as to what I enjoy about movies, I will be able to pass some knowledge on to you. I am about as avid of a reader of IMDB as can be (I can scare people sometimes with my knowledge of obscure character actors), and try to watch as many films as I can. If you are looking for some deep evaluation of a film and how it is made, this is not for you. But if you are interested in a fun look at a movie and its quality, I hope you enjoy!

My plan is to blog about movies I have recently seen, as well as older (or maybe not so old) films that are some of my favorites, to hopefully expand their audience.

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